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Old News
- May 9, 2005 -
Well, version 0.5.3, revision 147 is up. This is a fairly minor update.
There are a few bug fixes, including a problem in some older projects
with single-output template commands and some miscellaneous file handling
bugs (thanks to Guilherme and Isidro for reporting these).
Some time was also spent improving integration with the Source Forge bug
tracker, hopefully making it a little easier to report bugs.
Until recently, CH3ETAH has mostly been an "eat your own dog food" application
used by a handfull of companies, and training has been in-person and spread by
word of mouth. That situation is starting to change and I really need to get off
my rear-end and get some documentation written - especially some "getting started"
types of tutorials. I'm getting around to it, but in the mean time if you're
interested in CH3ETAH and need some tips on how to get started, drop me a line at
(jacobmcp at
We also could certainly use anything in the way of help: with coding, documentation,
the web site, or just about anything else you think might be helpful
(including suggestions and bug reports).
- April 8, 2005 -
My apologies to anyone who has been waiting for this release.
One of the things I've been working on lately has been the build and release automation,
so hopefully we should be doing semi-regular releases fairly soon (crosses fingers).
I'm still not 100% sure when that "soon" is going to be, or exactly how often "semi-regular"
will be, but I promise I will do my best to avoid any more gaps of several months and my hope
is to be doing releases every few weeks.
Here is a list of the some of the important changes in this release. For a complete list of
changes, please see the
change log
- IMPORTANT: Support was added for DataSources other than the OLEDB datasource. Due to the way XML serialization of inheritance trees is done in .NET, projects saved with this version will NOT be backward-compatible with older versions of CH3ETAH. In other words, opening projects created with version 0.5.3+ in older versions of CH3ETAH will throw a nasty exception. (But projects saved in previous versions can still be opened in CH3ETAH 0.5.3 with no problems)
- Code generation engines are now configurable at run time, making it easier to add custom engines.
- Added a template engine to support running CodeSmith templates.
- Up to 80% improvement in performance on large projects.
- Many improvements in syncronization of entities with the database. (most notably the handling of relationships)
- Friendlier reporting of unhandled exceptions, with ability to file a bug report from the error dialog.
- Application Settings dialog. (Only O/R mapping settings for now)
- Lots of UI/visual feedback improvements, usability improvements, and bug fixes.
(see change log for full list)
- October 31, 2005 -
We've finally released a new version! This version has
been kind of long in comming, but we think it was worth the wait.
There have been so many changes and new features since the last release
that it's hard to know where to start. Here's a very condensed list:
- TONS of GUI stuff. This will be immediately obvious to anyone who was used previous versions.
- Improved syncronization of O/R Entity metadata files with the database.
- Much improved editing of templates within the IDE.
- Lots of other changes and enhancements, large and small, touching almost every aspect of both the framework and the GUI.
- Plenty of bugs and usability issues fixed.
- And of course, there are probably a few new bugs to fix!
- June 10, 2005 -
After a little over a year of life, CH3ETAH finally has a decent
web site! Let us know what you think.